
Dear All

West Bengal Rifle Association has decided to hold Pistol Coaching camps for the pistol shooters of the state under renowned pistol coach Yuri from Russia.
All the clubs are requested to send a list of interested shooters from their unit by email to within 30/04/20018.

Dear All

This is to inform you all that due to some unavoidable circumstances 12TH WEST BENGAL STATE SHOOTING CHAMPIONSHIP (SHOTGUN) 2018 has been postponed. New dates will be notified shortly.

Staging of 2nd West Bengal Inter School Shooting Championship 2015 to be held at DANKUNI RIFLE SHOOTING ASOCIATION Shootinge Range.


Staging of East Zone Shooting Championship 2014 in Small Bore Rifle/Pistol (NR) events at Tikait Umraon Shooting Range At Hotwar, Ranchi from 18th to 22nd September 2014

The East Zone Shooting Championship 2014 in Small Bore Rifle and Pistol (NR) events will be held at Tikait Umraon Shooting Range At Hotwar, Ranchi from 18th to 22nd September 2014 as per rules and regulations under NRAI Match Book 2013.

Please Click here To Download East Zone Shooting Championship Circular

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